
We Could All Use A Stanley in Our Lives
The bus is here!!! I huffed and puffed, sprinting down our mile-long driveway in the middle of the country. I saw the big yellow school bus slowly inch forward, beginning to close its big swinging door… noooo… wait!!!!!!!! (Mom will literally kill us...

The One Thing Everyone Is Too Quiet About
I have a couple of questions for you... Are you feeling like a complete fraud when you work on your business? Good. Are you second guessing every move you make to start your business? Good. How about your plan to make real money on your own, feeling confused about...

You Can Do Hard Things… Your Business Doesn’t Have To Be One Of Them
We all know business is hard and in the words of Glennon Doyle, we also all know we can do hard things. But what I want you to know is that business is not as hard as we make it! Want to finally grow your consulting or coaching business so you can leave your corporate...

Why car naps are completely acceptable and inspired a new 4-letter word
I was chatting with an amazing woman who is a high powered corporate executive. She reminisced about her post-baby days of grabbing lunch on the go, getting in her car, and driving to a random parking lot for a quick power car nap. My response? “YES! The car nap is...

Umm, do I know you?
A while back, I was on a flight to a workshop I was facilitating in a beautiful beach location. (Remember when we went to beautiful beach locations pre-COVID?) I was working away making last minute changes to my talk when a woman sat down next to me. ...

Here’s to the Negative Self-Talkers
“I’m so over it!” “Problem after problem lands on my desk and guess what? I don’t care!” Silence. “Oh wow, it feels really good to admit that.” My former colleague contacted me after years of losing touch and shared his frustration and his dream. I could feel...

The #1 Reason for Not Starting Your Biz in 2020… and Why That Shouldn’t Stop You
Do you know the most common reason aspiring entrepreneurs don’t translate their corporate gifts into a service-based business of their own? The loss of security. You know, salary and benefits. Makes sense, right? In the midst of...

Your Weakness is Your Superpower
Have you let your weaknesses hold you back for far too long? Today, I’m going to challenge your thinking about your weaknesses. I was emptying some boxes the other day when I discovered an old notebook. As I began to flip through the notebook, this old...

How to stay present and take focused action in the midst of a global pandemic
I was talking to a friend the other day. She has a big corporate job with small kids at home. And now, they are all home, thanks to the COVID-19 quarantine. “If I thought I was overwhelmed before, I have just elevated that definition. I’m...

The Push-Pull of Pivoting: A way to get started on the new normal
Pivot...piVOT! My all time favorite Friends Episode where Ross aggressively asks Rachel and Chandler to pivot as they hilariously try to move his coach into a second floor apartment. I can’t hear the word pivot without thinking of that episode and...