In a previous role, I once worked to develop and grow a subspecialized, niche program with four separate physician practices, aligned with our hospital through various models. In the beginning, we all knew it was going to be great. We had engaged physician partners...

Things Are Going Great…Until They Aren’t
I woke up, and as I lay in bed, my mind immediately went to a state of stress. My to-do list popped into my mind’s eye clear as day. A slight panic arose as I realized I was behind on several deliverables to my assistant and that I needed to find creative time in my...
How Can I Be A Better Boss? Approach Leadership As An Experiment—Here’s How
In healthcare, we live in a world of constant change and innovation. As leaders this requires us to be nimble, take risks aligned with our values, and have patience with our teams as they navigate the personal impact of change. When we are under the pressure of...
Are You A Leadership Expert?
A new neighbor asked me to go to coffee. During the course of small-talk she asked me, “Now what exactly do you do”? I shared with her that I’m an Interpersonal Efficiency Leadership coach and consultant in healthcare helping physician leaders and other high...
Big Decisions, Big Consequences. Are You Experiencing Decision Paralysis?
I have always been a slow decision-maker. My mom always said that she dreaded going shopping with me, because I would need the opinions of 10 friends before I could make a decision on what to buy. Uncertainty in decision-making continued to be a theme throughout my...
Is It Possible to Stop Dreading Conflict? Here’s How.
Ugh, conflict. The dreaded, unaddressed tension with a colleague or between team members that is likely impacting the morale of the entire team. Conflict resolution is the number one leadership skill that many of my clients are most interested in developing. Conflict...
It Is Time to Stop Being Our Own Worst Critic
We are our own worst critic. I can’t tell you how many times I have said this to myself or others. When we constantly criticize ourselves, we are essentially telling ourselves that we are not good enough, smart enough, not a good enough doctor, nurse, leader, etc....
Are These 3 Productivity Killers Preventing You From Having the Impact You Want?
“I’m so busy, but I don’t seem to get anything done! I want to be more productive!” Busy: The 4-letter word that has cost me the opportunity to substantially serve more leaders in healthcare and most importantly, to be 100% present with my family. The daily grind of...
The Top Three Physician Leadership Challenges and Five Tips to Overcome Them
Most of the physicians leaders I work with share similar motivations: they want to succeed in their careers, and they want to have a positive impact on the patients they treat and the communities they support. But they also share the same frustrations. They’re in a...
Alignment, all working together to achieve the same vision, is a term that has been fully integrated into the culture of healthcare. Yet alignment is hard to achieve between physicians leaders and administration. Let’s examine how each group defines alignment....