Want to know the behind the scenes, opening up my junk drawer, scoop on the impact of giving a highly successful TED talk?
I thought that talk would save me.
From feeling like an imposter in a world I didn’t belong.
From mounds of debt
I thought I had the answer!
Visibility! Service!
The ultimate stage: TedX
👉TedX did give me an answer, but not the one I expected.
Waking up at 5am to rehearse yet again.
Delivering the talk to friends, neighbors, family in prep for the big day.
As I drove to the venue with my sister, I knew I was ready. Confidence. I was IN the identity of a TedX speaker…
The talk was a massive success, picked up by TED.com within 2 weeks of being published.
Messages about how it changed lives.
Invites to speaking events.
Instant external authority.
Instant external validation, like that old friend who comforts you when you need it most.
But my TEDx talk couldn’t save me from myself.
I thought I wanted external validation but what I really wanted was internal validation.
The process of giving a TED talk is the most time- compressed personal development journey I’ve ever been on. More so than my business, which is saying ALOT!
It healed so many wounds in the subject matter.
It allowed me to see the progress and growth that changed my life.
👉But it didn’t touch my internal belief in my own authority.
It was then when I realized, nothing external can save me.
External validation can be taken away in seconds.
When we tether our identity and confidence to external factors, we are at the mercy of external sources.
🔥Creating my internal belief and elevation in my authority created sustainable and consistent revenue in my business.
🔥Without internal authority matched to a monetization strategy, everything else is just vanity metrics.
You are your own savior.
You are the one who has to believe in you first.
You are the one who must give yourself what you need first. The oxygen mask analogy, serve yourself so you can serve others is real.
You are one decision away from massive success defined both internally and externally.
So decide.
🚀Decide your success is inevitable.
I uncovered my true authority and committed to monetize it in a way that helped other women find and monetize theirs.
I created Clarity to Clients Online Business Accelerator so that no other driven, professional woman had to be consumed by the need for external validation like I was.
I created a container that massively served both in content and in community.
No one needs to be alone on this journey.
Your authority is what will give you the freedom you seek.
Uncovering your personalized strategies that align with who YOU are, is what makes this journey relaxing and sustainable.
Make today the day that you decide your authority and your belief in your authority is what will accelerate your results.
Make today the day that you make CEO level decisions out of abundance and not fear.
Your internal validation and authority is already here.
👉What do you want to do with it?
Let’s map your authority building monetization strategy asap!
Book a call here: https://calendly.com/carriekohconsulting/strategy-call
Yours in abundance,
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