I have a couple of questions for you…
- Are you feeling like a complete fraud when you work on your business? Good.
- Are you second guessing every move you make to start your business? Good.
- How about your plan to make real money on your own, feeling confused about that? Even better!
Here’s what no one else is telling you about the self doubt, confusion and lack of confidence you are feeling as you start to build your dream business and leave your 9-5 forever…
It’s normal.
It’s a necessary part of your journey.
One of my business besties recently shared this quote by Seth Godin:
“If you don’t feel like an imposter, you are not playing big enough… or you are a sociopath.”
Instead of allowing imposter syndrome to confirm your novice status and keep you in research and overthinking mode, allow those negative thoughts to be the confirmation you were looking for that you are on the right path.
Feeling like an imposter is the primary signal that you are done playing small and about to embark on a whole new journey of excitement, action and unbelievable impact.
So what do you do if those feelings of doubt and questioning whether you can actually do this get in your way?
It’s time to face the fear and take these actions:
- Set boundaries so you can actually work on your business, even if you are still in your 9-5.
Say no to the PTA or to the work project that you could easily delegate or that isn’t super urgent.
- Own your unique talents and define who you serve and what problem you solve.
Declare what you uniquely bring to your business and clients. Who is the one audience you serve and what is the most urgent problem you can solve for them?
- Stop asking the $10 dollar questions (is this the best theme for my website?) and start asking the $1Million dollar questions (What is my message to my audience and how can I serve them consistently, before they are clients?)
- Sell something. Yep. That’s right. If you want a business, you must sell something.
Did #4 give you the butterflies in your stomach? Maybe sweaty palms? Good.
That, too, is normal at the very beginning stages of your business.
The good news is that the cure to butterflies and sweaty palms is taking action on #1-3 above.
You are capable of launching a thriving and profitable consulting business. The gap between an uninspired corporate career and doing your own thing to replace and grow your income is smaller than you think.
If you’re curious about all the things that might bridge that gap between your status quo and what you really want, join me on October 2nd at 10am MST for a free webinar where we will get real on the missteps that prevent entrepreneurial success. (Even if you can’t make it live, register anyway so I can send you the replay).
I will be sharing the scoop that no one else tells you about what it really takes to leave corporate and create a new sense of safety, security and community.
I believe in you. Let’s do this!
Your partner in getting your business dreams out of your head and into your bank account,
P.S. Here’s the link to the FREE webinar where you will get tons of nuggets that will catapult your journey and avoid the missteps that 90% of new entrepreneurs make.
P.P.S. Rather talk to me in person about how I can support you individually? Awesome! Schedule some time on my calendar so I can help you sort out your next move and discover whether we are a fit to work together.
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