I tried so hard to fit in.

​The leg warmers of the 80’s.

The oversized dad blazers of the 90’s

​The uber low, and even more uber uncomfortable jeans of the early 2000’s (I mean….why??)

And none of it felt quite right.

​But fitting in felt comfortable, so it’s what I did in my business.

​Are my photos professional enough?

​Is my brand professional enough?

Does my content sound smart enough?

​It all felt so….not me…

​And also kept me in feast or famine.

​And there was a moment I said, well what do I have to lose!

​I put in my headphones, and started writing.

​Just writing….for the sake of writing.

​What did I really want to say?

​How did I really feel?

​Wait, but can I put this out there?

​On LinkedIN?? Oh man, no way!!

​On Facebook? Ummm, my personal page? Nope!

But I got brave…and posted.

​I started to talk to the corporate professionals who had leapt into the entrepreneurial world

​Saying what they were thinking…

Because it was what I was thinking.

​It converted…

​So I doubled down until I really understood what I truly stood for and against.

​And something happened.


​It was exhausting trying to fit in.

​Turns out I didn’t have to.

Want to generate more sales?

Two words.

Polarity and authenticity….

​When you stop being vanilla and start being YOU….

​And then sprinkle in the underlying belief in your success that drives you to do the work…

​You discover…

​The work isn’t work when it’s working!

​So…what do you stand for and stand against?

​I stand for abundance.

​I stand for possibility focus instead of problem focus.

​I stand for high ticket programs and charging their worth.

​I stand for women building wealth together because power in numbers is more fun.

​I stand against selling “passive income”. There is nothing passive about creating, experimenting and selling your online course or program on autopilot.

I stand against groups who say they support women entrepreneurs and yet don’t allow them to pitch or do quality promotion.

I stand against consistency that breeds obligation and burnout.

​I stand against feeding on people’s struggles and not trusting that our audience has the capability to be inspired based on possibilities

​I stand against shared business content because it’s lazy and entitled.

So, tell me, what do you stand for and against?

Want to learn how you can show up as you and attract your dream clients consistently?

​You are your greatest client attraction strategy.

​Let’s chat about how you can uncover your personalized client attraction strategies to create more income, impact and ease.

​Book a free strategy season here if you are ready to take action towards finally slaying your business goals.

​Yours in abundance,


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