
8 Truths I Wish I’d Known Before I Started My Business
You’d think a former healthcare executive and TEDx speaker would have her -ish together when she launched a business, right? Ummm, nope.Not even close.But thankfully, after years of trial and error and investments, I’ve figured a few things out. Warning: This post...

From Goose Egg to 5-Figure Launch
I was going to launch a course! Isn't that what all the 7-figure online entrepreneurs did to get there? So I bought "How to Create an Online Course" from the online course guru!I bought the "How to Launch" course from the launch guru!And after going through the...

Just One More?
"How are you feeling?""One more or you want to take a break?" My feet hurt.My legs were like Jell-O. And my 6-year-old skier was definitely ready for another run.He gave me an enthusiastic, "Let’s keep going!" So I dug deep, denied my aching body and said…"Definitely!...

“I Want You to Get Fired”
“Mom, I want you to get fired.” “I can’t get fired. Why do you want me to get fired?” “So you can spend more time with me.” Ouch. It was just before bedtime. Our routine goes like this: Daddy is the “bather.” Mommy is the “nighter.” The job of the “nighter” is to tuck...

A Tiny Bit of Structure and a Whole Lot of Freedom
I probably shouldn't admit this as a business coach, but structure is not my thing. Routines, kid chore charts, schedules… They never really stick. Unstructured and the freedom to do it my way. Yep that’s me. Don't get me wrong. I can DO structure... You don't...

Your Revenue Can Elevate on a Dime
Are you looking around with a wee bit of envy when other entrepreneurs are elevating their monthly revenue like it’s their job? Oh wait… Yep, it might be your job too! When I first started in this online world I used to look around at other entrepreneurs...

I Almost Didn’t Celebrate
Are you minimizing your milestones and accomplishments? Maybe things still feel so muddled and celebrating seems a bit premature? Or maybe you fear that little milestone that made you jump up and down will get eye rolls from others further ahead in your world?...

Is Your Business Unsinkable?
My 6 year old is reading a book about the Titanic. Did you know the Titanic was 4 city blocks long and 11 stories high?? Crazy, right? And of course, it was unsinkable. Well, we all know how that story ended! For years, I pretended my ship was unsinkable....

How JT Got Me Thinking About My Slip Up
Last week Justin Timberlake issued an apology. It came as the internet was buzzing with the realization that his career blew up when the careers of two amazing female artists he was either involved with or performed with fizzled after a shared experience. It was...

What if we created more “ta-da!!” moments in our businesses and lives? You know, like the exclamation point at the end of a magician’s amazing magic trick when we all proceed to “oooh” and “ahhh” over the amazing trick they just pulled off. “Ta-Da!” ...